Parent/Guardian Coaching and Therapy Services
Getting on the same page about behavior management. Communicating with your child’s teacher. Talking with your child about difficult issues. Making big decisions about evaluations. Keeping your cool when your child is pushing every last button. Sometimes parents and guardians just really need an objective, expert ear to talk with someone who understands. I am here to help guide you through navigating the challenges of school and social activities with a child with difficulties or disabilities and be the person you can depend on when you just need to talk about the stress and chaos in life.
Here are just a few of my parenting/guardian coaching and therapy packages. Customized packages and individual sessions are also available, and sliding scale pricing may be available as needed.
Do you have a few friends, a group of parents in your class, or other adults who may be looking for something similar? Group sessions are a great way to bond with parent/guardian friends while receiving (and giving!) valuable advice.
Parent/guardian coaching and therapy services are offered both virtually and in person in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please contact me to book a package or individual session, or find out about customized packages and group sessions!
Single Session
What’s on your mind? A one-time session lets you start to explore one topic, get some quick advice on a tricky situation at school or at home, or have a little time to vent to an expert ear! I’m here to help with whatever you need to talk about.
60 minutes- $125
Triple Threat
Go a little deeper with a three-session coaching package: 3 one-hour or 2 ninety-minute sessions with a $25 savings. Sessions can happen weekly, or can be spread out more (or less, depending on schedule and availability).
3 sessions- $350
The Big Six
Six sessions is a great length to really dive into a couple topics, help stay on top of an ongoing situation, or see whether ongoing coaching might be a good match for your needs. Save $100 off your total with this package!
6 sessions- $650