
Melissa H-K Melissa H-K

Dysgraphia: When It’s More Than Messy Handwriting

Dysgraphia can manifest in a variety of ways, including difficulty with letter formation, poor spelling, messy or cramped handwriting, and slow writing speed. It may be difficult for children to color inside the lines, write neatly on lined paper, form legible numbers, and/or line up mathematical work accurately.

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Melissa H-K Melissa H-K

The Ticket Effect

Congratulations! You’ve had a child. Now that that’s done, you’ve come to realize that children arrive with three things that you may or may not have anticipated:

1. Their own personalities and temperaments, possibly overlapping with yours but undeniably their own, regardless;

2. Extremely strong opinions about everything from sleep to food (see above); and

3. A set of tickets.

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